Deposition Testimony
After thorough expert witness preparation, Dr. Haytasingh will provide deposition testimony in the areas of; k-12 education, special education, education administration, child educational/psychological evaluation. In person or remotely, Dr. Haytasingh will participate and provide expert testimony. In all, Dr. Haytasingh is objective and brings a perspective that has no biases. His past testimonies have helped judges reach valuable conclusions about cases that were complex and lengthy. Dr. Haytasingh’s unique experience as a school psychologist, school neuropsychologist, local educational agency representative, and college professor allow him to provide knowledge about situations that valuable in legal situations. Dr. Haytasingh has personally evaluated hundreds of children and adolescents as well as sitting in over 3000 IEP meetings. He has managed a special eduction department and been in charge of educators and paraprofessionals in San Diego County. Dr. Haytasingh has participated in over a dozen due process cases in the past 15 years, many of which have did not to go fair hearing.