Educationally Related Mental Health Assessment (ERMHS)

Sometimes a child’s mental health is more important than grades.

What is Educationally Related Mental Health Assessment (ERMHS)?

Brain Learning will gather information regarding the student’s strengths, challenges, developmental history, school history, and how that relates to current educational functioning. Information from school records, health care providers, previous mental health providers, and educational staff will also be incorporated. Brain Learning will complete an assessment and prepare a written report to be presented and reviewed at an IEP meeting. Any agreed upon recommendation made by the IEP team will be implemented and the district will coordinate provision of services recommended by the IEP team. The assessment and services provided are school related, and are therefore, free of charge to the student. The student will receive educationally related mental health services in the least restrictive environment to benefit from his/her special education plan.

The Educationally Related Mental Health Services (EHRMS) assessment is conducted to determine what mental health services your child needs. The purpose of ERMHS is to support adjustments related to education and academic functioning when educationally related mental health services have been deemed necessary for a student to benefit from his or her education. When ERMHS are added to a student’s IEP, the student may receive counseling and guidance or individual counseling, or both, depending upon team determination and based on need. These supports can at times help with increased academic performance and engagement in academic activities, improved attendance, and fewer disruptions of the learning environment.  Counseling and Guidance:   Individual Counseling:   Consultation with educators and parents regarding child development, academic performance, and social skills.  Training in problem solving and coping skills  Individual counseling  Group Counseling  Behavior Support Plans (BSP) Crisis Prevention and Intervention  Coordination of community services and resources.

Psychoeducational Evaluations

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

Speech & Language Assessment

Academic Assessment

Educationally Related Mental Health Assessment (ERMHS)

School Neuropsychological Evaluations

Learning Assessment
