Psychoeducational Assessment

Psychology is the study of mental processes and behavior. Psychoeducational testing refers to the psychological tests used to analyze the mental processes underlying your child’s educational performance. A psychoeducational assessment is a thorough individual assessment that involves gathering developmental, family, school, social/emotional, personality/temperament, health histories and administering and interpreting norm-referenced tests. A composite of this information is then used to help create a profile of a student’s unique pattern of strengths and challenges so that we can match specific recommendations to help that individual reach his/her full potential.  IQ testing is gathered and used in conjunction with academic testing for purposes of identifying learning disabilities and other areas of cognitive weaknesses that may be impacting learning. At Brain Learning we observe the child in the school, interview all relevant members of the educational team, including parents. We take functional data (rating scales and observations) as well as normative data (IQ tests).  We consider all educational and medical history in order to answer the referral questions. Our psychoeducational assessment also include relevant reading, writing, and math testing. 

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