Developmental Reading Disorder (Dyslexia)


Developmental Reading Disorder (Dyslexia) Developmental Reading Disorder (Dyslexia): Did you know that there are 3 subtypes of Dyslexia? Did you know that finding out which type your child has, will increase the chances of successfully treating the condition? Just simply slapping a generic reading treatment on a child who is struggling with reading does

Writing Disorder (Dysgraphia)


Writing Disorder (Dysgraphia) Dysgraphia: Currently there are 3 types of writing disabilities in the research literature. We believe that finding what is causing your child to struggle with writing is essential.  For example, some children have excellent fine motor skills, but experience significant trouble with retrieving and “getting out” language on paper, despite having

Mathematics Disability (Dyscalculia)


Mathematics Disability (Dyscalculia) Mathematics Disability (Dyscalculia): Did you know that there are 3 types of Dyscalculia? Did you know that treating a math disability as a whole will not always ensure that the student’s needs are met? Just knowing that your child has a math disability is not enough to ensure that essential cognitive

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):  Today the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 5% of children in the United States have ADHD.  That means that roughly 2.7 million children in grades k-12 have a diagnosis of ADHD in the United States.  It is known that 11.5% of

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